The Countdown

Daisypath Vacation tickers

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The half-way mark!

This year has sucked. Totally. Since my last post, almost 2 months ago, my grandfather has also passed away. He became very ill suddenly and had passed within the week. We will miss him but at least he is not suffering anymore. He had been on dialysis for 13 years, had several tumors on his bladder, heart problems, and several other ailments the last 10 years.

I'm doing horribly at my New Year's resolutions. So an update:

  1. Storage space: Since my dad's passing we've had to keep it because I acquired so much stuff. 
  2. Working out: I haven't worked out except for twice this year. Next week (or maybe this week) I'm going to start going to Zumba!
  3. Alarm: Still not getting this but I'm not hitting snooze for an hour either. 
  4. Sleeping late on the weekends: I'm doing really well here. Aside from being sick I haven't slept in past 9am at least one day each weekend.
  5. Encouragement: JD is doing okay here. This weekend he's going to do something with a friend. Sword fighting!
  6. Buffer: We were well on our way but then stuff happened and JD didn't get a bonus this month and last month's bonus was not what is usually is. We're back to the starting point again. 
  7. Credit Cards: We're using them and then paying them down normally within 30-60 days; I'm okay with that.
  8. YNAB: I haven't gotten into YNAB in several month. I know, bad me. 
  9. Learn something new: I've learned how to build a website based on!
  10. Plant a garden: We've done a lot of yard work the last 2 months and it's looking pretty good. We have 3 raised beds in our backyard and have a total of 47 food-items either in the ground or going in. We're so excited. We already have some tomatoes forming!
  11. Monthly house project: Due to the lack of funds we haven't really been doing this. I will be having a garage sale the first weekend in June and I will count that. 

I'll update my bars later this week.


  1. Just stick to make not think you are doing well. But at least you remember your resolutions. Make people can't.

  2. No problem. Most people don't meet their resolutions. Just continue to strive to do better. That's all you can ask for.
